14 November, 2008

Tips to Get a Google Adsense Account

To whom it may not familiar with Adsense, It is a Google’s marketing program which allows website/blog owners to generate income from displaying relevant Google ads on their websites. AdSense matches the content of the website to ads within their AdWords program and displays the relevant ads on the website. The website owners will get income from their website visitors clicking the ads. And there are some success stories from people who profiting and earning thousand dollars from Google Adsense So how you can get those kinds of ads displayed in your website? Basically you have to register you website/blog and get Google’s approval. But unfortunately not every request will get approved. I have a tip for you based on my experience obtaining approval from Google in my first try, here are the steps:
1. Set up your blog with www.blogspot.com. Blogspot is a Google own blogging service. Make a certain theme for your blog and make sure that the theme is a marketable theme.
2. Put several relevant contents to your blog. Google loves contents! If you choose “health” as your theme, then you can write anything about health. But let me remind you, you have to write them in English. If you think you can’t write and not really confident with your English, don’t worry about that. You can find relevant contents in free articles directory such GoArticles.com and Ezinearticles.com but don’t delete the author names and their links (usually available at the bottom of the articles). Don’t take credit on their works.
3. If you have put some relevant contents, wait about two or three days. When you edit the layout or format of your blog, it will appear an offer from Google to apply for Google Adsense account. If the offer does not appear, just visit www.google.com/adsense and register there. Believe me, your Adsense account approval will send to your email address in several days and start make money with Google Adsense.

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What Makes a Bad Website?

When you're surfing the Web, you probably only think about one thing when you look at a Web site: whether or not it's fun. Some of the website authors are wondering why there is a few visitors visit their site. Here are some tips to avoid you from creating a bad website: Before developing the website you have to planned first. Make a story board that will be your guide in developing the site. You must arrange the hierarchy of the most important links in the main page. Most importantly, you must create a home page that presents a professional image to the world. Your home page would be the gateway to your site. It must look like a road map, the index and the table of contents that tells the visitors where to find the information they need to make them stay at your site. It would be the mirror of your company or organization. So, if the design is not good, that will be the the first impression to your company. You have to figured out what are the important elements should be included on the page. It must have a unique and interesting content. You have to know who are your target audience and what are the things that will get the attention of your visitors. You have to think of something new and unique on your content to convince your visitors to stay. Put significant informations in your site to give them a useful information that is appropriate in your site. You should be able to tell why a website exists, and what information it's trying to provide. If the purpose of the website is confusing or unclear, that's a good sign that you should look for a different site. The word must be spell correctly. The design must be clean and stunning look that will impress your visitors. The design must depend on the kind of services that your site are offering. Avoid using of blinking text that will irritate the eyes of your visitors. Avoid also many graphics or images that will take long to load your page because some visitors maybe bored in waiting for your page to load. Use the text color that will be visible to your readers. Your site must be easy to navigate. The buttons must be consistent on its size and design. Using buttons with different colors and sizes looks unprofessional. Make sure that when you put the buttons on top of the home page, they're on the top of every other page. The site must be indexed by the search engines so you have to consider the successful page optimization so that your site will be given the chance to rank on the search engine. In order for your site to be sited by many client or visitors your site must get a rank from search engine. Read some information about Search Engine Optimization(SEO) to have an idea on what will you going to do on your site. You must have a quick response to your client or customer and give them the service that they needed. Apply good relation with your customer. Give them a word of Thanks for giving you the opportunity to work together with their company. Always update your home page so that the visitors will always see new stuff or different from your site when they visiting your site. This will cause them to visit your site frequently.

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How To Build A Website That Makes Money

As little as one decade ago an ecommerce site was the domain of techno wiz’s and coding geniuses. Today the Internet business world is not limited to the technically gifted and motivated. Anyone can build an ecommerce business due to the advent of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors, web building wizards, open source blog and web site platforms, as well as platform like Ebay, Amazon, etc. A person can build a viable web business without ever understanding how to configure a Mysql database or coding in HTML or PHP. A strong computer background or time needed to learn, is all the skills needed to get started. Static Pages & Content Management Systems Static pages are like digital paper. They do not change. They end in .htm, and remain the same until the owner changes the content on them. A content management system can be as simple as a www.blogger.com or Wordpress blog. Or, it can be a complex $10 000 platform that is powerful enough to run 100 000 pages of content. The objective is to create something for the search engines to send their robots to for ranking and traffic generating. The content should be designed to create demand, solve problems, and offer solutions. The secondary purpose is to optimize the website increasing the traffic and profit. What Are You Selling The Internet does not require a tangible product for sale. There are dozens of things to sell which are not tangible including downloads, education, affiliate and advertising, pre-selling, or social/ entertainment. Creating a site where people can come and share their love for a hobby, venture, belief, or view, can provide a good opportunity for a savvy business owner. It is possible to sell entertainment. It is possible to sell ‘meeting people.’ Many Internet businesses have grown to unbelievable levels of success doing just this. Some examples are youtube.com, facebook.com, myspace.com and more. The first step to building a website is not designing the site. It is deciding what is being sold. Why will people come to the website? What will attract them? What will make visitors stay at the site? Understanding what is for sale will help the business owner pre-sell the product without continually telling people to buy something. In fact, the most profitable sites are those that do not try to sell anything. Monetize the Website The term monetize the website means to create a website that doesn’t sell anything. Its sole purpose is to pre sell a product and make money by driving people to websites that do sell something. This is a popular method of income generation as it lets Internet businesses to create multiple streams of income and diversify without needing to invest money into products, merchant accounts, and warehousing or drop shipping. Shopping Carts Once the website owner decides what to sell, they need to determine what type of platform. Many new companies stick with paypal.com an ebay company. Other people do not try to do it their own. Instead they take their time and explore their options. One way is to use prostores.com, ebay.com, or amazon.com to sell their products. Stay Up To Date Being behind the times is a quick way to go out of business. Ecommerce companies need to stay up to day. That e-book should be changed into a home study or an e-course. The download should become a video or audio file. The free blog – a personalized website. The internet world is evolving. As fast as users become familiar with one form of Internet tool or feature, another is quickly increasing to take its place. The key to success is remaining educated, reading everything you can, and staying up to date with the web and all the tools it has. What makes money? Something new.

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Google AdSense: 7 Sure Ways For WebSites Design That Make Money

Owning an AdSense Google site is a great way to make money. To create an AdSense site, all that is required is to have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you have your site up and running, the google AdSense ads will be targeted to your content. Therefore, those surfing for your content will come in, read your articles, and have a high chance of being interested in the targeted ads. You will get paid every time someone clicks an ad. Provided you have optimize your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs! Let's look at seven ways for creating AdSense websites that make money.
1. Keyword Density Prior to placing your ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You certainly want the right kinds of ads to show up on your website. A free way to check what the ads will look like on your site is to go to http://www.resultsgenerator.com/adsense/ and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site. If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of niche bot.
2. Relevant As informed ads will be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content as well. You certainly want your keywords and your content to match as much as possible.
3. Write frequently The more information you have the better your website. Why? Because more content means more visitors will come visit your site. Many people recommend that you write a new article every day because no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!
4. Select The Right Format AdSense allows you to choose many special ad formats. Study has revealed that wider ads are more successful.
The top three formats are:
" 336x280 large rectangle "
" 300x250 medium rectangle "
" 160x600 wide skyscraper" Additionally, the 468x15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.
5. Color Counts You have the choice to generate a Google AdSense ad in several color of your choice. The greatest thing to do is to create your ad combine well with your site color scheme. You must make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or similar the color of your main content. When selecting your Google AdSense ads it is suggested to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perform better than ads within borders with background color.
6. Position Counts, as well It is well acknowledged that visitors to a website look into the site to determine if it is worth reading. You certainly would like them to see and scan your AdSense ads. Hence, the best place to place them is in the top left part of your web page or directly under your headlines.
7. Add to The Number AdSense allows you to use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes, and one unit of ad links. Using all that you can increases the likelihood of earning money. Keep these seven sure ways in mind when creating your AdSense site and you will find that your click through rates increases, thus increasing your money making prospective.

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Make Your Own Website: Achieve Success With Your Site

There are many reasons for you to make your own website. You may want to sell a product or service, or you may want to share your thoughts and dreams with the world. No matter what you want to do online, you can design a website (http://www.buildyoursite.com/) to do it. When you are thinking of making a site on your own, there are a few things to think about. The first thing you will want to decide before you make your own website is what you want to accomplish by doing so. This is the most important thing you can do when you are ready to make a website (http://www.buildyoursite.com/). Knowing the purpose will allow you to make any other decisions more clearly. After you have completed these stages, you need to locate the company that will be your web host. This company will provide several important pieces for you. At a minimum, they will be responsible for registering your name and associating it with an appropriate web address. In general, you will be running your service from their space, so the host takes over administrative and physical security responsibilities. If you choose to use their equipment, you must sign an agreement concerning additional charges should you need more bandwidth or disk space than the minimums. Dedicated web space is space that you paid for. There are no advertisements on dedicated web space unless you want there to be. Unlike free hosts, paid hosts will not insert ads onto your site. If you make your own website (http://www.buildyoursite.com/) and pay for the hosting, therefore, you have more control. Choosing your own domain name allows you to personalize the site even further. There is a ton of information about website building online. Some companies offer website building tools, while others only use HTML code. You will be able to find lots of HTML tutorials online if you are interested in learning. Doing a quick search in your favorite search engine will find hundreds of links to websites that offer these tutorials. The sky is the limit from here. You will be able to create a personalized and snazzy site. How it ends up is up to you. You can put as much time into the project as you want. Either way, when you make your own website, you will end up with something that is entirely your own. This is almost a form of art.

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The Banking Internet Basics

Traditional banking has always been a brick and mortar building where you go to deposit or withdraw money. However, the banking Internet sector has exploded in the past five years. You may not be aware of what banking Internet actually is, and it can be a bit confusing because it has so many names from online banking to PC banking as well as electronic banking and banking online.
With the popularity of the Internet and the power it gives people to take control of their lives, many traditional banks have created banking Internet web pages where customers could transfer money, set up bill payments recurring or otherwise, quickly check items that have cleared, and many other functions that can be accessed 24 hours per day 7 days a week. This banking Internet option has been very popular not only for customers who want to have some control over their account without having to go to the bank but for banks as well whose man hours have been freed up from performing simple tasks like balance inquiries, account transfers, and the like because the customer does it himself with banking Internet.
Banking Internet options also include virtual banks. This is the truest form of banking Internet simply because these banks only exist online. Banking Internet options have become popular because they save customers time and money, which is a very trendy combination. Banking Internet which only exist online means you will have to transfer your money to the new account or else mail a payment via check. Since the whole idea of banking Internet is to make banking as easy as possible, most banking Internet sites will allow you to make a transfer from a brick and mortar bank to the banking Internet site as often as you like with no charge or a small fee.
When you utilize banking Internet options you are able to access your account, move money, pay bills, and any number of things from any computer with Internet access worldwide. This is amazing and makes traveling a lot less stressful as well because with banking Internet you always know where your account stands.

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